IT'S TRUE! šŸ‘€ LIVING WILDFIT IS HEALING MY LUNGS! šŸ„° ~ Eric Edmeades Wildfit 90 Day Challenge Reviews

IT'S TRUE! šŸ‘€ LIVING WILDFIT IS HEALING MY LUNGS! šŸ„° ~ Eric Edmeades Wildfit 90 Day Challenge Reviews

Eric Edmeades 90 Day Wildfit challenge and Living Wildfit is actually healing my lungs!

It still blows my mind that my lungs are actually healing after 5 years of doctors telling me they would never ever heal and all because my family and I did the Wildfit 90 Day Challenge from Mindvalley and Eric Edmeades!



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Some of my Wildfit Results include:

  • my lungs healing (scar tissue disappearing)
  • not needing to use my inhaler almost ever anymore!
  • being able to now walk without my walking poles!
  • being able to stand and sit so much longer now, without needing to lean so I don't pass out!
  • my skin getting younger (Wrinkles are disappearing!)
  • my hair getting stronger and not falling out any more
  • losing 15 pounds
  • my cysts disappearing
  • my energy level skyrocketing!
  • getting the most amazing sleep (and the DREAMS WOW!!)
  • better focus and cognitive skills
  • my memory is getting stronger
  • I just feel so much happier, my mental health is the best its ever been!
  • and that's just me!
  • my wife is healing her diverticulitis and her itchy skin (and she lost 45 pounds!)
  • my daughter's stomach is healing after years of pain
  • my mom is healing her psoriasis and her blood pressure has gone down drastically!



It is summer. It is humid. I am sitting outside as a lung disabled person, and Iā€™m actually able to breathe, and itā€™s all because of this 90-day Wildfit challenge that we did. So, I thought I would do a really fun, little vlog for you today, and just share, what happened, what it was like for us to do the Wildfit Challenge and also what life was like, before the challenge and what kind of results weā€™ve had.

I know a lot of people think of Wildfit-ing, they just think of it as like a weight loss program. Itā€™s actually not a weight loss program that just also happens to be like the most effective weight loss program there is.

Iā€™m really excited. Iā€™m just sitting outside enjoying the fact that I can actually sit outside in the summer. When itā€™s humid and breathe. And another really cool thing is that I can walk now without my poles. And that excites me so much, it gives me so much freedom!

I thought I would just share a couple of a different changes that have happened for myself and for Cindy, my wife and also for my daughter, Xanthe and my son, Quinn because itā€™s its mind-blowing to think that this is all changed in just three months, and itā€™s really nice. Itā€™s really cool cuz its itā€™s all education-based. Itā€™s just learning about the food industry. Itā€™s learning about what our bodies actually need to be healthy and strong.

And I got a chance to speak with Eric and to thank him personally and Iā€™m so grateful for that because he literally gave me my life back and said you wanted to share a few things.


So I lost 15 lb in the three months that we did the challenge, the 90-day challenge would I was thrilled about it because thatā€™s just less less of me that my body has to deal with it. That makes sense. It gave me like a ton of energy! You know in the afternoon like around 3 for hits and you just totally your energy just tanks, right?

What I found just by being on this and switching my pancreas from burning sugar, using insulin to switching to burning, gave me so much energy that at 4 in the afternoon! I have all this energy and I love that and my mind is sharp and I really appreciate that cuz I get a lot more work done. And Iā€™m not as exhausted at the end of the day.

And so I lost 15 pounds, which is awesome, but it kind of has a bonus side benefit of the wild fit program.

Really my focus was on healing

I had been wanting to do this Wildfit challenge for a couple of years and then this year another free masterclass came up cuz Eric Edmeades, every year with Mindvalley and the owner of Mindvalley Vishen Lakhiani they do this free master class and Eric, always shares tips, you can use right away regardless of whether you do his challenge or not.

And so I said to my daughter cuz she was really suffering from stomach pains and weā€™ve been going to doctors or a couple years from to figure it out. And I said, well why do we watch the the wild fit challenge or rather than the masterclass and see what new tips Eric is going to share with us? Because they always are amazing.

And so we watched it and my daughter said, I really want to do the challenge and and do this together and I thought, you know what, maybe itā€™s just a sign that its time, you know how, how can I not want to kill my daughter? And we decided to do it as a family.

We did the challenge as a family and my daughter lost five pounds, but the really cool thing is her stomach pains disappear. Like this girl has gone through a lot has gone through endoscopies and colonoscopies and all kinds of you to scan some things and we could never figure out what was wrong with her stomach. Why it hurts so much all the time, and it wasnā€™t an ulcer.


It was an oldies of the things that we were thinking of and just by changing our food, just by learning how humans are actually supposed to eat. Itā€™s gone away and she doesnā€™t deal with the acid reflux anymore and sheā€™s very aware of very cognizant of what each food does now. So she has a lot more control. She is much happier, which is really nice.

Iā€™m much happier, kissing your child in pain is awful. I my son. He actually looks like 30 lb but heā€™s really healthy and his muscle tone is amazing, is how healthy is amazing?


My wife, though, she had the biggest change. She actually lost, like, 45 pounds. And that has had a huge positive impact on your health. She suffered from a lot of problems with her intestines and she actually had to have part of it removed a few years ago and she is suffering from diverticulitis which are like little holes in your intestines and that was why we had to remove part of it which is really scary really scary at the time.

And so sheā€™s had to avoid things like seeds and corn and anything that could get stuck in the little holes. And now she can actually as long as she chooses it really fine. She can eat those. They shouldnā€™t have any problem. She suffered a lot from really, really, itchy skin all the time. It was terrible. If youā€™ve ever had it, itā€™s debilitating.

And I have so much more energy and your energy levels. All of us were so much happier. Just never realized how much are food affects our mental state. We noticed that we are just happier with more energy and Iā€™m just so grateful.

Anyway, I wanted to share a few of those things with you. Youā€™re going to learn all of this stuff and so much more in Ericā€™s masterclass. Iā€™m really excited for you.

Go and check that out here: šŸŽ FREE WILDFIT MASTERCLASS With ERIC EDMEADES & Mindvalley's Vishen Lakhiani šŸ‘‰

I hope you enjoy this vlog today. I just, I thought I wanted to share this because it has made a big difference. And I just really want to make this positive difference in your, in your health and in your life and your loved ones health. So I really hope that helps.

NEXT here is a video I think youā€™ll really enjoy. It's my green smoothie recipe that we used during the 90 Wildfit challenge and even now as we continue to living wildfit. We started with all fruit cuz Cindy didnā€™t like vegetables at all. And now we do just vegetables and sheā€™s perfectly fine with it. Iā€™ll see you in here. 


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āœļøQUESTION: What's your BIGGEST CHALLENGE with getting Wild fit and healing your body too? Let me know in the comments below...